Specialty Industrial Doors

Building Specialty Systems is a Worldwide Specialty Door Contractor. 

The team  BSSI brings to each project is always  top certified in their own area of this very specialized field. No Matter how large or small the project Building Specialty Systems  should be your first choice!

Building Specialty Systems is licensed, certified and holds an International Agreement with the Iron Workers Union enabling us to assist on any project nationally.  We perform all types of services for our partnering manufacturers from specialty installations to specialty repairs, inspection, troubleshooting and door installation supervision. 

Building Specialty Systems works worldwide,  with not just our partnering manufacturers but 

* Architects -     To assist with design of their specialty door applications.

* Contractors -  To oversee the manufacturing of the unique door designs.

* Military -         For specialized and oversized Doors

We of course also work with 'end user' customers to guaranty that the products are supplied and installed correctly and safely for a trouble free functioning product!